Friday, July 29, 2011

Top 5 Reasons to be a Kayak Instructor.

Ahhhh, the life of a kayak instructor. Most who don't know for themselves would say we have it pretty easy. Well, thats not always the case. With any job we experience highs and lows but one thing is for sure with kayak instructors - most are passionate about sharing their love for the sport. There are huge benefits to being a Kayak Instructor but sometimes things don't go according to plan and there are the few routine tasks that make the job less appealing. Overall, life is pretty good if your sitting in your boat doing what you love sharing it with others. Most people sign up for a kayak course with some background knowledge of what this crazy sport is all about, many want to get in shape, some want to face their fears, and others are intrigued by the lifestyle. As a kayak instructor it is important to BE kayaking, this coming from someone who has revolved their life around the sport. I am here to tell you that I love being a kayak instructor for many reasons but also have some moments when I wonder if the so-called “normal career” is a greener side of the fence. Here are some of the reasons I do what I do...

1.The passion for the Sport-- From the first time I went White Water Rafting I knew I wanted to be in a kayak. I remember clearly watching the safety kayakers on the Ottawa River from the comfort of my raft thinking, geez I'm having a good time but those guys are living it up. The grace and fluidity of their movements in a dynamic environment caused my imagination to wander in the limitless 3D realm of whitewater. Today and everyday I appreciate my ability to pursue my passion on a daily basis and more importantly, share it with others through my instruction.

2.Maintaining a healthy lifestyle-- I have made the claim many times that since I have picked up a paddle for the first time I have never had to pick up a weight lifting bar since. I was a bit of a chubby kid growing up, let me just say I liked to eat, a lot! After my grade 9 year I decided to do something about it and started weight training, by grade 10 I was feeling great and realized the many benefits of a healthy lifestyle. When I started paddling I took my workout outside and my physical fitness was on auto mode. I am pretty addicted to paddling now but when I started I was crazy for it, I would forgo sleep to paddle. Working long hours managing a restaurant and raft guiding during the day I found myself waking at five am to hit the river and “train” as I had ambitions to be a rodeo star. Now that I am instructing more, I make sure to find time for “pleasure boating” on the side. I firmly believe that a good kayak instructor has to be active outside of the clinics and perfect their skills further. A good kayak instructor has to model a lot of important aspects of the whitewater lifestyle, safety, stewardship, health, and of course FUN! The formula is simple, maintain health physically and it transfers to your mental health too. Kayak Instruction is a package deal that allows you to strive for both.

3.Being a Mentor-- There are few things more rewarding than having someone look up to you as a role model. People of all ages interested in kayaking look to the kayak instructor to answer all questions kayaking related, to teach the skills they yearn for, and to simply BE kayaking. There is a stigma around instructors to be all things kayaking and hold that position twenty-four/seven. I notice this more with the awesome youth I teach, it is a pretty cool feeling to notice the spark in a young paddlers eye as you demonstrate the eskimo roll, you have them hooked and they will stop at nothing to achieve kayaking success! Over the years I have mentored youth that now are my paddling partners, it is amazing to see the results of our combined hard work as they grow as paddlers and surpass you in some skills and concepts. Learning from your students down the road after they have taken what you can offer and expand on it is an incredible feeling. I run youth development programs in Ecuador and BC donating my time and skill to developing kayakers at young impressionable ages. There are few rewards greater than being able to see someone grow as a person and a paddler and gain a respect for you similar to a sibling or close relative. Teaching the youth can keep you young and challenge your maturing and sometimes stubborn ways. I notice I am a little more “down” with the times and aware of new and exciting aspects of pop culture and the youth movement. Staying fresh is important for anyone looking for a positive future.

4.Self Improvement-- As the art of kayak instruction evolves with the sport so should the kayak instructor and their course material. Learning is an important part of our lives, once we stop learning we stop growing and start to depreciate. Engaging with other instructors, re-certifying your credentials, and self research are ways kayak instructors can stay with the times, ensure quality instruction, and stay stoked about what they are providing. I have to say there have been a number of people that have come through my courses after some experience with other instructors that taught them skills from the stone age. Not sure if it is laziness or ignorance but keeping current with your skills and knowledge base is essential and uplifting.

5.Meeting new People-- Having a position where you get to enjoy the company of new people on a daily basis is fantastic. Not to mention the fact that such people are there to experience something that you feel passionate about and are probably in some way alined with your interests. I have made excellent connections with some of my kayak students and appreciate the friends I have made through instruction. I had to opportunity to fly in a Helicopter after a kayak student picked my up at my campground and flew me up to scout a creek I had been eyeing. It was an opportunity of a lifetime I would probably not have been presented with otherwise.

To conclude, I have to say that I am stoked to teach Whitewater kayaking and hope to do it as long as I can. I have worked on the Ottawa River, in Costa Rica, Ecuador and numerous areas of British Columbia. I would not change anything for the world even though the early stages of my “career” have been virtually penny less. I now own a outdoor adventure centre in BC that teaches kayaking, sells kayaks and gear, and offers river tours, rentals and exotic paddling vacations. I love my life and have no regrets. Thanks to all the students that have waded into my classroom, the friends I have made kayaking, the opportunities I have been given, and of course my wonderful wife for putting up with my dingy days and forgotten wallet during early date nights. I hope everyone gets a chance to sit in a kayak and float their problems away. Kayaking is the gateway to your soul and reconnection to nature. I love it.

See you on the water!
Chris Ryman
Owner, Operator, Kayak Instructor
Endless Adventure
Endless Adventure International Ecuador Tours

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