Tuesday, June 17, 2008

ECE Mission:Pingston Creek Part 1

Pingston Creek first came to the Nelson paddling community's attention through a Paddler Magazine article a few years back. The article talked about the impending hydro project slated for development upstream of three world class runs and whether or not they would still be navigable after the project was completed.

Local boaters began yearly trips to the Pingston in 2001 to explore the runs. The upper run boasts 6 km of class V boating, an all day affair for only the most committed. The middle section features 6 km of great class 3 - 4+ water that is perfect for the advanced intermediate boater. Finally the lower section is a mere 2.4 km but is also the steepest, consisting of a 60 footer, numerous 10-15 foot drops and a beautiful triple set that drops right into the lake. The triple fall has a 30 footer into a 15 footer and the last drop can ranging 2 feet to 20 depending on the level of the lake. You could count on perfect levels for the last weekend of August and so began the yearly pilgrimage.

The hydro project was completed in 2004, changing the annual flows. By the beginning of August it was already too low. The next year we snuck in a run on the upper at an excitingly high flow on July 15. In 2006 it was too low by the end of July. Last year I called the plant operator almost daily with "Hans what's the Pingston flowing at ?" but still missed it as water levels dropped from 13 cms down to 6 cms in one day. This year I did my research. I studied the Illcellweat River hydrographs for similar timings of prime flows and continued to call Hans. The Pingston was flowing 12-13 cms and I decided to check it out.

I drove up Wednesday night and arrived at the Upper put in to a fairly low river, a possible grind down but not ideal. I called home (cell service is available on Arrow Lakes across from Nakusp) to relay the good news but no one was able to drop everything to come paddle so I decided to camp out and wait for levels to come up and paddling partners to arrive. After trekking around Fosthall Creek's sweet waterfalls, I checked out Pingston flows again Thursday to find the upper much the same as the previous day but the middle and lower both looked amazing. I couldn't pass this up, either someone would show up by morning or I was going to solo the middle.

to be continued ...

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