Monday, September 8, 2008

Howser Creek

Since Chris and Carl have been telling me all summer how awesome the Howser Canyon is I have been waiting all summer for the flows to come down to an appropriate level. Considering it is late August you would think that there is no way there will be too much water, but with the late spring cold summer and a few rains we found it way to high for the canyon. First I would like to say that this is half of why that run is so appealing good flows late into September makes it a great late season run that would be lost with a hydro project.

Hayden, Chris and Mysef made the trip north late on Tuesday and were able to fit in a quick run down the Kaslo, this is a great short run with three good ledges on it. The first is a clean 6 foot ledge with a sticky hole. The next is a series of three in a row going from 4 to 6 to 8 feet back to back. After this there are two fun rapids before the final ledge, the final one was a little bony due to the low water but we were still able to bump down just right of the sticky hole, except for Hayden who started a little far left and went for the ride of his life before swimming to shore.

We drove up to Howser to find it too high so we camped out by the lake and had a big fire despite the wet conditions. The next morning we decided to give upper Howser a go due to the endless boulder gardens and beataful scenery. We found some great class 3-4 and waterfalls tumbeling into the creek. It ending up being a great mellow day that was well worth the drive, afterwards we went and looked at Glacier Creek. I can't wait to get bakc up and paddle both of the runs.

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