Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Upper Misahualli- A Classic Jungle Creeking Experience

Picture for a moment floating down emerald flowing water with lush plant life arching overhead. New and distinctive smells are enticing your senses while a symphony of birds provide the score. You let your hand drag in the warm crystal clear water. Children swim and sunbath in the tropical heat while parents do laundry. This my friends is jungle kayaking at it’s best -- The Upper Misahualli.
Most paddlers visiting Ecuador will have this run on their wish list for good reason. With multiple put-in options, the Upper Miss is a fantastic run for timing and varied grades of whitewater. If you want more challenge put in higher up to the San Francisco or Lodo section. For an easier put in try from the town of Cotundo as an alternative, you miss about 5 rapids that can be a slight step up.

Overall, the Upper Miss is exactly what you might expect of a low volume creek in the jungle. The setting is so fascinating it is often hard to pay attention to your intended line as you rubberneck at every new sight and sound. The river meanders through giant boulders with moderate flat sections followed by steep gradient. Most drops involve zig zagging around smooth rock and with the option to boof two to four footers into small pools. If your boof stroke is not perfect don’t fret, but the end of the run you will have ample practice.

With the exception of the top section, most rapids can be scouted easily with a quick hop out of your boat. One rapid in particular towards the bottom of the run is a great idea to scout. Elbow rapid, named by a good friend who discovered what running it upside down does to your elbows, is worthy of a scout. The drop is not pretty by any means and is a great challenge to run it without hitting a rock especially at low water levels. The next few sections before the take out are more spread out and less intimidating. A new malicon has been constructed changing the last few rapids into giant swim pools for the locals to enjoy. On the plus side, you have the ease of taking out with nice concrete stairs and entertainment as you see the local families enjoying the magic of the river.
I highly suggest the Upper Miss for an entry-level creeking experience in Ecuador, if the river looks too intimidating, try the Tena for a warm up. Bring you camera, a smile and get ready to experience not only great creeking but also a big dose of Ecuador culture.

See you on the river,

Chris Ryman

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