Friday, April 4, 2008

About Us

"Kayak Hot Dogs" was a name Chris invented referring to our assortment of ketchup, mustard, and relish coloured gear, not to mention our goof ball attitude on the river and need to "hot dog it" as much as possible.

Chris Ryman

Chris is an Ottawa valley transplant who learned to kayak on the Ottawa river while pushing rubber for Wilderness Tours, where he met his future wife Andrea Miller. In the summer of 2004 Andrea and Chris decided to take a van across the country, stopping at a every festival possible taking and selling pictures to the festival participants. They came through the Kootenay Whitewater Festival in early July and had a great time there. At the end of the year when there where no more festivals they decided to return to the Slocan Valley to hang out and boat. They stayed for the winter and the following summer Chris managed the Kayak Shop while Andrea worked in town. In the summer of 2006 Chris and Andrea purchased the kayak shop and turned it into Endless Adventure, located in Crescent Valley, BC, right next to the Slocan River.

Chris Andrea and Whisper the Wonder Dog

You'll mostly find Chris will be talking about Endless Adventure and all the excellent kayak tours, lessons and rentals he offers or about all the gear he sells which includes whitewater boats and gear as well as rec boats and gear. He also attends as many festivals in Western Canada as he can squeeze into his busy schedule. Right about now you might be thinking Chris sounds like your typical Ottawa boater, excellent at play and big water with little experience creeking. Chris is an excellent playboater but since moving out west he has also become a fantastic creeker, even completing a few first descents in the area, so he will be talking about those missions too.

Chris on Lundbreck Falls Alberta

Mikkel St.Jean-Duncan

Mikkel St.Jean-Duncan

Mikkel was born in Calgary, AB, and started his paddling career on the Kananaskis River at the age of 4 in a C2 with his dad. Soon after his parents moved the family to Nelson, BC, where he grew up paddling the Slocan River. By the age of 8 he moved on to his own boat and at 11 he'd placed 2nd in the 95 slalom nationals in the cadet class (14 and under). He soon moved on to freestyle kayaking where he developed an overly large head and excelled, competing at World's as a junior in 1999 and 2001.

Since then Mikkel has spent his winters in school working towards a Computer Engineering degree and working in Alberta trying to save money for school and endless summers of paddling. Mikkel now spends most of his free time in the summer creeking , exploring new rivers and first descents in the West Kootaney region. He also attends various festivals and creek races in Western Canada and the US.

Mikkel first D Upper Bonnington Falls

Mikkel Sutherland Falls
Mikkel and Chris Hot Dogging it up on Gardener Creek

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