Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blueberry Hole

Well, well, well. I have some great news for Kootenay Area boaters. The park n' play drought is OVER!!! Since winter has reared it's stubborn head through the month of April, we have not seen regular flows and Brilliant in nothing but a mere ripple. Trail wave and Hero Hole are a distant memory and the mighty Slocan is a babbling creek. Koot paddlers have been scrathing their helmets wondering where to paddle. I was about to hop on my new suped up bike (thanks to Gear Head Sports) when I received a phone call from Chad Voikin telling me of a new feature worth checking out near the community of Blueberry BC. I have heard reports of this elusive wave in the past from our hometown phonix monkey master Mike Grant and just never really checked it out.

In my desparate state of water flow dissapointmet I was ready to scale mountains to get some play. I called up good ol' Carl Jacks, who reccently was released from nursing student prison to join me on my recon mission. We had some scetchy beta on directions to the feature and drove around until we both could recreate a google earth image of Blueberry when we found the feature. Located directly below 107th street down a 100 meter slope lay this new found boat tosser. Speaking of scaleing mountains by the way, you may not want to use this area as an access point; the trek back up to the car is pretty steep. Park on the other side of the river past the Otischenya (SP?) dump and paddle across.
The feature itself is quite dynamic. It lays on a downstrem angle from river right to left. A front surf can be maintained on either shoulder but I suggest gaining control in a side surf before setting up for tricks. I was able to blunt both ways, spin, and loop. Looping was a cosmic experience as the power of the feature could easily launch me into a fully arial front and back loop.
With eddy access and an easy ferry onto the wave I would say it is a good spot for the intermediate boater who has a solid roll and doesn't mind being tossed around. The ideal level for the feature seems to be 3.7m. to 3.9m. on the hydrometric data website. If Trail wave and Hero hole are not working because it is too high turn around and head to Blueberry Hole and find out for yourself just how awesome it really is.

See you on the water,

Chris Ryman

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