Sunday, April 27, 2008

View to a thrill- Gen's Revenge Wave

The Brilliant Dam at High Flows- Brilliant wave is in when it looks like this. When Dry, there is a good chance our newfound wave will be in.

Side Car, The Wall, Gen's Revenge, call it what you will it's furious, fast and freaky. After a bit of a damper in our normally abundant paddle options we have been blessed with the arrival of two super stellar surf spots-Blueberry (see last post) and now the wave with many names. Gen's Revenge or Generators Revenge (my fav name, thanks Grayzer!) was discovered last summer in a desperate attempt to wet the appetite of some eager boaters who were shut out by Brilliant Wave for the first August in years.

With the new Brilliant expansion power turbines in place, paddlers were interested in the effects this would have on our beloved Brilliant. Lower than normal flows allowed boaters to explore upriver even closer to the mighty concrete gates that hold mother nature hostage so we can watch TV, heat empty rooms and open our tin cans with the press of a button. It was this urge to generate fun from flow that led to the discovery. A mere 70 meters or so from the gruesome gates on river right lay Gens Revenge. I would suggest starting at the Brilliant bridge. It's a nice leisurely paddle up the eddy on the river right, good for a solid warm up. When you get to a floating rope, grab on and pull yourself into the eddy. I would strongly suggest wearing a river knife, always a good idea when working with ropes. Once you pull up to the eddy you're all good. Coming of the wave you have to hussel back into the eddy otherwise the ol' rope of shame for you.

The wave is fast and inforgiving, that's all you get. I will suggest you keep in the box (for those unfamiliar a paddle position post to follow) and keep you stick on the ice.

TIP: The harder it is to get up to the wave, the better it's gonna be!

See you on the river,

Chris Ryman

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