Saturday, May 17, 2008

Brilliant Update: Flushed.

Much to the dismay of Kootenay area boaters, the famed superwave has left us. Brilliant was incredible last night with over 8 paddlers in attendance to witness the glorious green monster. I have been paddling Brilliant the past week twice a day, once in the morning hours before work and once again after work as the sun moves down over the backdrop of the Doukabour Bridge. Like I say to many paddlers, when Brilliant is in go- no excuses just go it may not be there the next day.

Every day the feature got sweeter and more surf friendly. I had the chance to see Brillaint transform from a tiny un-retentive hole then to an arm ripping chunder-fest to a green wave, perfect for airing it out. This morning Jeremy and I set out to regain the joy of our previous nights surf. Paddling up from the bridge proved difficult with a lengthy ferry across the river left and back to the river right after a daunting paddle up the eddy. After many tiring paddle strokes we came upon a fear inspring sight. Two and a half of the seven gates were open and Brilliant wave was at least two boats overhead. The organ grinder (a feature normally located behind big Brilliant) was no where to be found. Within 40 minutes the river dropped from underneath us and they were now spilling only a half gate. In that period of time Brilliant changed it's massive shape every minute or so. The Organ Grinder formed and crashed to nothing, only ot see it come out again. I managed a few quick surfs on the hugest Brilliant ever and most dynamic I have ever seen the OG wave. The Organ Grinder reminded me of 7a on the Zambeze, with the chance to get tubed and while carving hard into the heart of it. All in all it was an amazing experieince I wont soon forget. To top it all off, at the take out Jer and I witnessed a Canadian Goose and its yellowy brown gosling, how do I love this sport.

See you on the river!


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