Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spring in the Canadian Rockies

This year the Spring in the Great North West has been slow to dawn upon us. With only a few days at Hero hole on the Columbia and a trip to southern Washington under my belt, I was getting little antsy to get out paddling. Making it back to Calgary from Saskatchewan I was pleased to find the rivers rising and even a little sunshine. That was until Thursday morning when I woke up to find some unusually chilly rain. Then I got a message from Ryan Creary in Canmore saying he wanted to take some playboating pictures in the snow. With the weather being rainy in Calgary I thought it couldn't be that bad and was wanting to go paddling anyways so why not. That was until I showed up at Canoe meadows to 4 inches of fresh snow and more puking down on the ground. It ended up being a solid work out as I was out there for an hour or so by myself and barely stopped to catch my breath, which also helped to keep me warm.

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