Friday, January 22, 2010

The Tena River

The story of Tena and Pano is much like that of Romeo and Julliet, two lovers from feuding families forced to take their lives to continue their love in the afterlife. In the heart of Tena these two rivers meet often in two different colours after an island in the shape of a heart. From the walking bridge in town you can witness the union of the two rivers and the magic they posses.

The Tena River flows right through the center of Tena Ecuador starting as a small volume jungle creek and ending in the Missualli River and then on the the huge Napo River, one of the main tributaries of the Amazon. The Alto Tena at higher water levels is a class IV-IV+ creeking blast with amazing scenery and some substantial rapids. After you reach the Piedra Dorado Bar on river right the river chills out and drops a few classes offering the aspiring creeker some great practice with booking and boulder gardens. If you want a hard core paddling experience this may not be the section for you. If you wish to learn about the incredible people of the Tena area and enjoy a paddle at the same time go for it.
A young boy spear fishing with a speargun made of a piece of wood, a metal spear and an elastic band.

Endless Adventure International tries to show this section to clients on a Sunday or holiday for a glimpse of Ecuadorian culture. On any given Sunday you will find families hangin' out on the river, doing laundry, having a few Pilseners, or just enjoying the swimming. If river party is your game you will have no problem finding a Pilsener to enjoy at one of the many riverside bars or renting a tube to do some extreme tubing. One day on the river we witnessed a moto cross tournament another we enjoyed riverside seats to a rocking concert featuring one of Ecuador's top acts. The Tena river offers much to do and see and with the take out right in Town, the logistics could not be easier.

A motocrosser flies threw the air meters away from the river.

One of my greatest joys on the river is giving back to the wonderful people of Ecuador with a free ferry across the river for one of the many eager children playing. At one point I had 7 kids on my kayak slowing making my way to the other side with giggling kids trying to stay aboard. At some points we have been known to sit on the shore and release our kayaks to the kids who found many interesting ways of playing with them. The children of Tena look up to kayakers and see them as fun loving river adventurers if you wish to give some gifts be sure it is a healthy fruit, some school supplies, anything but chocolate or candy. Also, many people use the river to bath be sure not to stare save your hellos for the fully clothed.

Enjoy the Tena! What better way to expose yourself to another culture and log a day on the river.

See you on the river,

Chris Ryman

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