Friday, February 5, 2010

Ecuador Kayak Youth Development

Ecuadorian kids learning the path of the paddle

Robin and Brian

It all started in December 2009, Endless Adventure International was in Ecuador running our first year of client trips. One of our good friends and guides Chad came up with a great idea to offer a free day of kayaking for the local community of Borja, where we base our operations. The people of Borja and area are beautiful and continually offered us help whenever we needed it. This coupled with the fact that I think Chad felt guilty for buying all the stores in Borja out of Chocolate and Gatorade was enough reason for a free day to give back. We started by contacting some of the other kayak outfitters in Borja (I wont mention names) for help and gear, no dice there. Then we hooked up with Water Dogs, a rafting company in the neighboring town of El Chaco. The boys from El Chaco offered us guides for three rafts to use for the day. We then enlisted the help of the mayor of Borja who supplied us with a shuttle truck. Next was promotion, our Ecuadorian family who own the hotel that houses our company and our faithful driver Wilo took care of marketing the event. We had ads on the radio and posters all over town, not to mention a truck with a mounted megaphone that drove all through town announcing the free kayak and rafting day. We had no idea what to expect but we were as ready as we could be.

A poster I fashioned with little spanish knowledge, only 2 mistakes

The 1st year crew!

Sunday December 6th was the official Borja Dia del Rio. We showed up in the pick up truck with the kayaks and gear to an amazing site. Playa de Borja was transformed into a total fiesta central. There were food vendors, a volleyball court, bars, and a kicking sound system. Water Dogs showed up with the rafts and guides in the huge truck supplied by the town. It was go time, shortly after church got out the beach was flooded with tiny youngsters ready to learn how to kayak while the parents tested the rafting out.
Chad Wick Rivers keepin an eye on things

The WaterDogs!

Wilo, our driver and Whitewater enthusiast.

About 400 people turned out, 250 of them children dressed in their Sunday’s best, shiny black shoes and all. To say the event was a success is an understatement. We spent 8 hours either giving kids rides up an eddy and down the river or after a brief paddling lesson hooked some of the older youngsters in kayaks to a throw bag and let them loose. The parents enjoyed rafting a pretty decent class IV rapid that ended in the eddy we were teaching kayak. This day turned out to be one of the best of my life. After a day of tireless teaching we were supplied dinner by the Borja Mayor at our favourite restaurant Doña Cleo´s. We then headed to a house party where we salsa danced until we dropped.
Spectators looking on with big smiles!

Jim Wood lending some instruction

A year later we offered another day of free kayaking and rafting with the help of Hotel Alexandra, Water Dogs, Wilo and Family, the mayor, and Endless Adventure International. This year was another big success with hundreds of kids learning the sport of kayaking. The event was attended by some of the same kids as last year that demonstrated skill from the previous years instruction. At the end of the day we decided to host a friendly competition with the kids that involved swimming across the river and demonstrating some basic strokes. Out of the competition we were able to cherry pick 7 skilled youngsters who were comfortable in the water and stoked to be future kayakers. This was the birth of our Ecuador Kayak Youth Development. From December to February I met with the kids twice a week for two hours of kayak instruction and the occasional Spanish lesson for me. With the help of my guides, Heather Smith, Brandon Gonski, Ruth Gordon and visiting clients, we have installed confidence and skill with the kayak school. I am sure that all involved had an enriching experience. The kids idolized the instructors stopping us in the streets to beg for more kayak sessions. The instructors get to experience the respectful camaraderie of the Borja youngsters that are always willing to offer free Spanish lessons.
It was about time for the annual Quijos Valley Beauty pageant and parade. Each township choose a theme that would best represent their people. Low and behold the town of Borja choose a kayaking theme. All the parents of the kayaker students spent an entire night constructing a float complete with a waterfall, river, and jungle scene. We had a broken Liquid Logic Jefe (thanks to Randito) with me and two kids in it, Andrea holding a fishing rod with a recently live rainbow trout and of course Miss Borja in the back. Borja took the title for best float and Miss Borja became Miss Quijos, the parties that ensued afterwards were epic.

Brian and Robin on the float.

We dangled the trout above the dancer crew, they tried to bring home the dinner.

Brandon and Milton

Andrea and her trout

Ann and me

The team consists of 7 boys, we has a female potential named Sheila that had a conflicting schedule with baton twirling class. The team- Jorge, who is probably the best and most respected kayaker of the bunch, Daniel and Milton also display sick skills and are learning the roll. We also have two lads named Brian, Robin (Jorge’s brother) and another named Jon who are mastering their strokes and concepts. Every class we start by learning a new skill for example, throw bag tossing and swimming, t- rescues, hip flicks. We then proceeded to practice ferrying, attainment of eddys, and lots of swim rescues. We also have had to teach the kids to swim as they were taught to stay away from the dangers of the river growing up. After paddling we hand out apples to encourage healthy eating and plan for out next day. In all my life I have never had such a life changing experience, the kids have hearts of gold and unlimited enthusiasm. I am grateful that my skill as a kayak instructor has given these kids an opportunity to create new opportunities for themselves as future kayak guides. I have learned more than I could have ever imaged from these amazing kids. Thanks to all who helped on Rivers Day and the clinics afterward.

Big Brian

Small Brian




During one of our sessions a beautiful rainbow came out.

See you on the river,
Chris Ryman

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