Sunday, October 25, 2009

A couple weeks ago Chris, Hayden, and I went up to the Duncan River above Duncan Lake in search of a little water, and to do a little more scouting. In truth this is part in the inland rainforest and has ancient cedar groves, glaciers and grizzlies and some of the West Kootenay's best whitewater. Any chance I can get up there to do anything, I'll go. 
  Getting there is the best part. It's  a two hour drive north from Kaslo  on the Duncan FSR to the end of the lake and it's the most amazing blue color in the fall due to all the glacier runoff. Remote, yeah,  you get a definite feeling of of Nature being in charge as you stare up at the 3000m peaks that rise up staight out the river.
  Because of all the glaciers, IPP developers are eying up this area. The proposed Glacier/Howser project is just 50kms south and if it goes through, then the whole area is up for grabs. 
  We put on at Hatteras creek, about 15kms above the confluence with the Westfall river. It was really low water levels but still fun for a late fall run.It was snowing at the put in and you have to be prepared for anything up here. Bring lots of gas and food and a dirt bike for shuttle is a good idea. The river starts off mellow but soon the action picks up. With a couple narrow drops and an ever-changing riverbed, the canyon sections would definitly keep you on your toes with more water. Hayden and Carl ran it last year with a group from Ireland in late summer and had great med levels.
  For Chris and I, this was more a chance to check out another gem if a river and see some amazing coutry that still feels wild and untamed.  The best part of coming all the way up here to boat really low water class III -IV river is that I just makes me more passionate about trying to save it for everyone to experience.   
 The next day Chris and I spent the day scouting a tributary of the Duncan that has been on our to do list for a number of years. With no roads yet into this pristine area, just scouting the canyon is a major effort, but wicked fun. Steep drops in giant cedar groves will keep me coming back to visit this amazing zone.
Peace. Randy

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